
Understanding Dental Damage

Are you constantly putting your smile at risk for further dental damage based on the habits you keep or the products you employ to protect your mouth? If you have any aspects of your oral health care beginning to wane, it could lead to further damage either now or down the road. Thus, avoid risks involved with failing to adequately care for your smile as needed.

Did you know that one of the biggest risks for dental damage arises in the form of sports? Although several million people are involved in sports every year, few realize that a single blow to your face can destroy a lifetime’s worth of hard work caring for and maintaining your smile. At the very least, always make sure you are wearing the necessary safety gear to minimize risk factors involved with damage to your teeth, gums or jaw, which includes the use of mouthguards, facemasks, helmets or any other potential form of safety gear that can protect you.

Another common form of oral health risk that often arises is due to issues associated with a poor oral hygiene routine linked to unhealthy habits in your life. If you are routinely partaking in bad habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco or using drugs, you will be putting your smile at an increased risk for several forms of dental damage. Furthermore, tobacco and drugs can lead to further risks including serious infections and cancer. To keep your smile safe, avoid these bad habits.

Do you feel confident in your knowledge about dental damage and common risk factors for it? With effective restorations and repairs for dental damage from Perfect Dental Care, we can make sure you receive the oral health care you need. If you wish to schedule an appointment to visit us at our dental office in New York, New York. Our team can be reached by calling us at 212-239-7027. Visit us today and enjoy the season with a smile!