
Keeping Your Tongue Clean

If you brush twice a day, floss once a day and use mouthwash, but still have bad breath, maybe the problem is with your tongue. You tongue accumulates millions of bacteria, constantly. Don’t feel bad, it happens to everyone, even people who take good care of your teeth. Removing the bacteria can improve your oral health, freshen your breath, and improve your ability to taste your food. And cleaning your tongue is very easy to do.

You can use your toothbrush is you want, however, the bristles may not reach into the grooves of your tongue, missing a great deal of the bacteria and film. You can buy a toothbrush that has a tongue cleaner which you can use after brushing. You can also purchase a tongue brush is designed to reach into the grooves of your tongue to clean out the bacteria and film. All you need to do is brush your tongue from the back to the front, making sure to clean the sides. A tongue scraper is a thin piece of plastic or metal. You pull it across the surface of your tongue from back to front. Make sure that you rinse it after each use.

If you have questions about cleaning your tongue in New York, New York or would just like to learn more about oral hygiene, talk to our dentist. Making an appointment at Perfect Dental Care is easy! Just call 212-239-7027 and we’ll do the rest!